we all have

to eat

why just eat food when you can eat Tasty food! 

And have fun too.

Visit my Flog for some random food experiences.  It is a food blog so I called it Flog for short.

My Menu

My Cookbook

A collection of recipes from different people. This cookbook is dedicated to our children so that they will not starve.

Review local Bars

Read about my many adventures hooping from different pubs and bars, while enjoying the great food and beer!!

Restaurant Hunting

Finding a good restaurant is like a treasure hunt, when I find something good I will be sure to share it with my friends and family.

“i don't know where you are, i don't what you are but if you taste good. i will find you and i will eat you.”

The Blade


Just some dude on a mission to eat good food and share the experience : )

Hello,  my name is Jimothy and I just became a food blogger.  I always loved to eat and write so now I am following my dream.  Hope you enjoy your stay,  and please help me if you can.  Peace.

Support me?

So you are interested in my cause and want to help me in my journey.