about me
You get fat, I get fat, everybody get fat, we eat too much...
What they call me...
They call me by many names, none of which is actually my own. Cammy used to call me Diesel, Tippytoe called me the Blade, while Littlebee would name me Jimothy. Now I go by all these names, all is me but none is I. As I continue my path, the number of names I go by only increases. Whatever name I use does not matter, I just need to know, where is the food.
I started this website for many reason, one it being my dream and another as my final attempt in making something with my life. Along the way I have failed a lot and learnt a lot but succeeded in none. I wouldn’t say my life is a failure since I have an annoying but lovely family, a job which pay for all my needs, and enough time to persuade my dream at a different angle.
My Mission
I want to travel the world trying out different types of food. For now traveling does not seem possible yet so I will just eat local and write about my experiences so others like me can also enjoy good food as well. I also love beer, so watch out bars and pubs I am coming to get you.