Happy Happy Joy Joy
After a long day of work nothing beats a nice cold beer and some great food. That is exactly what I did tonight when I stop by at Dave’s BBQ party. Thank you Dave for inviting me. We arrive after work and had a hard time looking for the house, it was very dark and all the houses look the same. Almost went to the wrong house and chilled with some senior folks.
So we showed up at Dave’s place with my buddy Toufik, in our work clothes just ready to eat. I feel like a piece of turd for coming without bringing anything but that did not stop me from eating like a mad man. Toufik is a herbivore so he just watch me eat while chilling with the people at the party. I found some beer and started right away with some BBQ chicken. The chicken was very well marinaded and cook by master chef Josh. Although a little burnt but the taste was still great. Then I devour some sausages and burgers. Everything tasted good when you are hungry. After that I ate more chicken, now they have been cooled down I can taste the burn sauce. This amazing chef cook all this in the dark, truly a great job. So to finish off the night I ate another sausage and a can of pop. Now I am fully satisfied.
The amount of work that went into this party is no joke. There was a lot of planning involve and money spent on many things. Shopping for all the food and entertainment and even buying a whole fire table. Dave is a total boss, we love him and it seems he totally love everyone too.

The party lasted more then 12 hours, many people came and left but Dave continued to be a amazing host. The kids played like animals but all slept like babies on the trampoline at night. The music was non stop but later began to have some connection issues. A lot of the Soboys came to eat and play at the party, Dave is a very popular guy. Ending the day with a beautiful sunset and starting the night where everyone sat around the nice fire table. Big thanks to Dave again for inviting us and throwing such a kick ass party. I give your party a 5star of pure awesomeness.

Awr thanks JimunZee!
I’ve never had a review done of a party before and not to mention a pretty kind review at that! Thanks again for coming and hope to see ya at the next one brother!