Its a great day to be a dude with children. I feel as a dad I am every bit as important as the noble moms out there. I started the day doing some unwanted work, then later join my dad for some dim sum. The was lots of people waiting and the food was very slow coming. However the time spent with my parents was still very enjoyable. My dad is a very annoying and hard to get along with person but since he help made some of the best humans I know, he totally deserves a Happy Father’s day. After that we went home and did some cleaning around the house to keep the wife happy. At night we went to have dinner at my parents house and enjoyed an amazing fish dish and some great chicken made by my dad. Later that evening we ate a very light but tasty cake my wife had bought from a crappy bread place at Chartwell Centre. This was a mango mousse cake made for father’s day. The cake was very small and not too sweet. This was perfect treat for a fat sugar cautious dude like myself to enjoy in the middle of the night. My wife also buy me some nice gifts for father’s day. My day started out not so great but ended perfect. I wish all the dad’s out there a great father’s day and never stop being awesome and annoying to your kids.